Who we have worked with?

We have worked with a diverse range of clients from different industries and each with unique goals. The one things that binds all of these organisations together is their desire to positively effect mental health for the good of their employees, their customers and their results.
Here are three testimonials:

“Wellbeing Mental Health, particular Gavin and Hayley, have been working with Barclays since we engaged them for our Global Speaker Series in May 2017. That event had an audience of several hundred in the room and many thousand attendees online from across the Barclays global network. Since those events, they have delivered numerous webinars as part of our ThinkWell Thursday programme, again to roomfuls of Barclays employees and significant online audiences. Each of these webinars were well received globally and provided the basis for a library of mental health awareness materials in Barclays.

Their approach and style is ‘real’; they are engaging and make what is a complex subject matter easy to understand and therefore encourages others to talk openly and help remove the stigma surrounding this typically delicate subject.

Their professional and expert knowledge of the subject matter is always delivered in a relaxed and accessible way. Each event was blended with and complemented the Barclays mental health strategy and approach.”

With thanks for all that you have done and kind regards

Fran Kendrick, Director, Barclays Chief Controls Office

Fran Kendrick,

Director, Barclays Chief Controls Office

In 2018 we, as a business, made the conscious decision that we wanted to introduce something to our organisation, company-wide, to support the mental wellbeing of all of our employees.

At that time, we were not sure exactly what that would look like, we just knew that this was not a tick box exercise to say we ‘did’ mental health, but rather a longer-term plan for something we could build into our culture.
Through a mutual introduction, we first met with Hayley Dare and Gavin Richardson from Wellbeing Mental Health Limited. I had no expectations going into the meeting, but I left it full of enthusiasm that we were about to introduce a programme that would work for our people.

From the very beginning we worked with Hayley and Gavin to ensure the approach we took would ensure that every one of our 320+ employees, in the 9 countries we are based across Europe, had the same access and support. After designing a clear programme for us we very quickly began to roll it out.
Firstly, towards the end of 2018 every line manager in euNetworks attended a one-day session with Hayley and Gavin titled ‘Psychological Wellbeing for Managers’. The training took place in both London and Frankfurt and the feedback we got was brilliant.

Following this, we had a half-day session for our executives, including our CEO, focused on organisational mental wellbeing.

Lastly, as we moved into 2019 Hayley and Gavin started delivering a half-day training session titled ‘Psychological Wellbeing Awareness Course’ to all of our other employees. This included delivering workshops in London, Dublin, Amsterdam and Germany. Those employees not based in those locations travelled to one of the offices to ensure they attended. Supplementary to the interactive sessions, handbooks and web content were also supplied to everyone.
As well as the workshops, Hayley and Gavin have hosted different voluntary sessions open to everyone and one, more recently, targeted towards the under 25-year olds in our organisation.

It’s difficult for me to express in writing what working with Wellbeing Mental Health Limited has done for our organisation, so what I will say it has really changed the culture in how we support each other.
It has provided our people with an education I honestly do not believe we would have got elsewhere. It has given us space to talk to each other and know how to listen and also ask for help. It has far exceeded the expectations we had before that first meeting.

Further to this, I think it is important to note actually what working with Hayley and Gavin as people has brought to our organisation. The feedback we have got from the very first session across the board has been absolutely amazing and has remained that way to this day. Hayley and Gavin were able to build instant trust and bonds.

Like many organisations, we knew of some employees who have been through some very difficult times and Hayley and Gavin have gone out of their way to support them all times of the day and night!

However, it is the people we were not aware of who felt able to open up and share with them both and ask for help that I am really grateful for and that has been life-changing and saving.

A number of individuals have asked me to speak to our ‘Mental Health Team’ (meaning Hayley and Gavin) and many are so used to seeing them around the office that they have developed their own personal relationships. They have become so important to us that our Senior Marketing Director recently invited them to close our sales conference in 2020.
I appreciate every organisation has a different agenda and approach they are looking for. If you are seriously looking to introduce something that will get your people talking and supporting each other more widely, I can confidently say working with Wellbeing Mental Health Limited will ensure that happens.

If you would prefer to speak to me more directly, I am happy to do this anytime. Please contact me directly emma.azemi@eunetworks.com
Yours faithfully

Emma Azemi

Director, euNetworks Fiber UK Limited

Hi Gavin

I just wanted to thank you and Hayley again for the FA training. There’s been a real buzz amongst the group today – some of them have come to see me and some have sent emails to say how much they enjoyed the course and how much they have taken away from it.

It’s a very intensive course but your individual styles were perfect for its delivery and you balance each other very well. Your vastly different backgrounds meant we benefited from a broad range of knowledge and experience and it was delivered in a way we could all understand. Whilst you were restricted in terms of delivering on the MHFA criteria, you both managed to use your extensive knowledge to ensure we got so much more than that.

We all appreciated the passion you both demonstrated, and you had us engaged the whole time!

Please do pass this onto Hayley too and I very much look forward to working with you both again soon.
Best wishes

Winnie Sandhu

Human Resources, New Forest National Park